Monday, August 16, 2010


While Genny, Mike, Hope and Kathy were in Colorado at the NAMA Foray, Bryan and I headed to the Brundage area for camping, fishing, and of course, looking for mushrooms. Up there, fall is in the air! It was a mushroom bonanza! Of course, boletes were top priority this time of year. Not only for us, it seems, but the bugs, the deer, the squirrels, and the sheep. Yes, it was a race to get them picked! Last week's rain were the ticket! We ran into Kevin up there also. How did you do?

There was plenty of Lactarius deliciosa available, which made me think of Kathy and our NAMA foray!

And beautiful Amanitas...yellow, orange and white! I went back to get a picture of a monster, but it had been consumed by then. The button had opened, though.

There was some fresh Ramaria maybe aurea? , and of course, a variety of colorful Russulas.
I found four odd mushrooms preliminary identification a Gyromitra californica. Growing on wood.(didn't get the picture copied, will add later!)
Lots of Sarcodon imbricatus....has anyone tried these? The Miller book says edible, but that doesn't mean always good! There was some Leccinum species near the Boletus edulis, also. I found some Hydenellum and Suillus also. I also keyed out a Gomphidius glutinosus, I think.

This is another unknown, white waxy gills...lots of cool things to be found!

By the way, a small quantity of Cantharellus cibarus went into scrambled eggs one morning. Fall is in the air...Make plans to get to the fall foray. Bryan is planning a great menu!


  1. I'm sooooo looking forward to some mushroom hunting, I even got excited about a stinkhorn we found last week! (Buttons are edible, right?! hehe) Bryan let me know if you could use a couple of blackberry cobblers for dessert that first night. reta

  2. yum yum! Of course! Do you want to pre scout the weekend before the foray?

  3. I might be able to. Email me at: with details. reta
