Monday, March 28, 2011

Crucibulum laeve

Found this on a sagebrush log today. Is this Dacrymyces palmatus? Not too sure on this one. reta
P.S. Hope Miller has helped identify this as Crucibulum laeve, a bird's nest fungi. The ones in my picture still have their covers (that would be peridiums)on.


  1. Where are you hunting? I am so READY to start looking for anything...........but it won't quit snowing! Sue

  2. Right down below my house. When the weather is decent I walk with the hubby/dog. We are right on the Snake River.

  3. I found some cool ones at Mom's in the pasture and more in the sagebrush/grass. I hope to post them soon.

  4. Reta, These look like a slime mold. Are they on a thin wire-like stalk and does the top fuzz brush off and if so what is under it? Genny
