Sunday, May 1, 2011

Morels in the Upper Country

Yes, that is not a misprint! May 1! We were out for our annual break-through-the-snow trek to get some gyromitra for the first mushroom meal of the year. Bryan, with his uncanny ability to spot morels while road hunting, stops the car, and comes back with about a half dozen morels! There were plenty of gyromitra and verpas available also. So I can say spring has sprung on the east facing slopes.

Before you get too excited, we did have to hike, because there is plenty of snow that is unpassable. We are just getting further up the road every week! Sue


  1. Whee! Can't stand another minute of this talk. Mr. Bill and I will be heading out for the upper "extremes" on Thursday. Rain, snow, blizzard, or beautiful day. It will not stop us from our......mushroom hunting:)reta

  2. It is about time!!!!! 60 degrees today in Boise. I am checking out the area for Saturday's foray tomorrow. LBM's in mt yard, but alas, no morels or anything else interesting. Hope the snow will be gone by spring foray. Remember the long morel season we had last year? We were still finding morels the third week of June in Bear Basin and other areas around McCall. Way to go Bryan the mushroom magnet! Keep looking. Genny S
