Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Boleteless trip.

We went in a little expedition to a location close to Cascade, we being... Dario B. and Joe M.
We thought that Boletus edulis were out in the area. We have heard from some hot-shots that they already got 10, some days ago. We went to my favorite spots there, and found zero. I guess that they know of an earlier blooming location. We found some signs of a start... 2 Suillus lakei, 1 S. brevipes, several Amanita apricas in buton stage...Maybe 2 more weeks? We moved to a diffent area later, and found additional mushrooms. Here are some of our most interesting findings for the day, ( I am posting the smallest size of picture; if you double click on it, it gets larger):

This is the first time I ran into this mushroom. It has taught me the difference between Entoloma, Volvariella and Pluteus. After a while, I think it is  Pluteus cervinus. Edible. I was able to verify it by taking a sample under the microscope and looking for "horned"cystidia, see below.

This Mushroom was about 8 cm. Very heavy. Dario founded on the ground, so we didn't think that it grows on wood. It looks like a Catathelasma but without a veil. Eventually I figured that it was a
Neolentinus ponderosus, with serrated gills. I didn't eat this one, but I will the next one. I heard that are good, have you tried it?

 This one, I am still working on it. I know that it is a Cortinarius, but I can't find a key for 1 stipe with 2 pileus... ;-)

It was a good trip, good company, had fun, learned a lot. The Boletes will be there, maybe next week!

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