Saturday, April 10, 2010

Morels are up in Eagle!


This is Kevin S your blogmaster. Great news the morels are up in my yard in Eagle. Yesterday I was moving a tarp that I use to cover fire wood and found a morel under it. I looked around the same area and found two more. As you may recall last year I processed close to 15 gallons of morels. When I did that I spread the scraps all over my bark area. It looks like some of that paid off. This is the news we have all been waiting for. If you have already seen some around town please post the date you found them so we have history of the first date of the season. No uninvited visitors to my house please. Oh, I forgot to tell you we moved and we live in Burley. HaHa Kevin


  1. Hey, I have been looking for that mushroom--evidently in all the wrong places. In Your
    Backyard! Give me a break, LOL.--Bill B.

  2. I don't recall hearing anything about any 15 gallons of morels! But I'm listening now! reta
