Sunday, May 2, 2010

Kevin's road trip

Hello I had a cold and Wendy was out of town so I took a short road trip yesterday with Jaz our dog. We drove to an area to look at an old burn but it seems like it is still a little to early further North. We then went to Emmett via Horseshoe Bend. I stopped along the road a couple of times and found some nice morel patches. We ended up back in Boise and I found 20 to 30 nice yellow morels in a new spot. I went to my old standby spot on Wed or Thursday and picked about 30 with some black morels starting to pop up also. I think the yellows are about done but with a little luck the blacks will come on strong. The yellows are starting to get dried out. Make sure they aren't starting to smell if you are going to keep them. I have been finding some in the long grass along roads and paths. Make sure it isn't a place where all of the dogs go. I went to the Owyhee river today to fish but never got my waders on because it was to slow. I stopped along the river in some Cottonwoods but the sandy soil is so dry that I don't think the morels would do well. I did see some old dried up Oysters. A couple of tips for the people having trouble. The bigger the elm or cottonwood the better. If the base of the tree has green grass or weeds that is usually best. I find the big trees on the South edges of the woods to be best. The trees buried in the center in the dark areas that have little green growth at their base to not be as good. I am still a beginner but pretty lucky I guess. Eat your heart out Betts

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