Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Morels in Cambridge

Bryan and I went on a jaunt on Monday to see what was happening in the lower elevations of Cambridge. As Bryan put it....score!

He found a few blondes (Morchella esculenta) and brought them to school to show them off. He always picks while I am working...the life of a househusband! Then he found one Morchella deliciosa.

Then it was my turn. He took me to his spot, and I went down into the brush further, braved the thornbush and the mud banks. He kindly said I had found enough to put on my half of the pizza he was making for dinner!

We found a few more today.

Then we went to a large downfall of cottonwood trees at a local ranch. Bryan had been watching an oyster stump. We got enough for the mushroom pizza, and for me to cook and feed to 14 students.
There was a beautiful column of them..very fresh.

They say three is a charm....and we found a third excellent edible...one of our favorites, but rare in this area (or at least we can't find them very often!) Hericium sp.

Then there is always a puzzling one....This mushroom should be Polyporus badius, but according to the books, it is found in the fall. I guess it is possible they held over the winter....

Anyway, looking forward to further explorations. Let us know if you want to head up our way!

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