Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fungi Variety

Hi, Krista W. here. Wanted to post some pictures of the various fungiI found while morel hunting with my kids a couple of weeks ago. I took samples to identify when I got back home, but most of them were too dried out after processing the morels. I'm hoping that some of you may know one or two of these by sight. If not, no worries. Just enjoy the pictures. We had perfect weather for hiking with convenient breaks in the rain. These first two pics are of "pink" mushrooms that had popped up all over, right along with the morels. Most were 8 - 10 cm, with a pink cap and a streaky pink stipe. The stipe broke like chalk, which made me think Russula...Pleasant smell.

I think these are a Lentinus/Lentinellus. White spores, growing mostly on Birch logs, pleasant smell, with ragged gills.

A pile of bluish translucent "snot." =)

Pretty beige mushrooms with concentric circles on the cap. The stipe was shiny, with a little bit of fuzz.

A tuber-like fungus(?) that we found near the bases of fir trees. We only saw them when they had been dug up by something. I assume more were there, but were underground. Something large, like deer, or maybe bear, seemed to have dug them up and worried them a bit, but those we saw didn't look to have anything eaten off of them. I thought they were a slime mold at first, but they were quite tough and didn't break up unless you really tromped on them.

Buttons of a light-greenish-yellow-capped mushroom. Greyish-green gills. The color is not very good in this picture. The top was a rather vivid green.

Last of all are these medium-sized (4-6 cm) conical capped mushrooms.

1 comment:

  1. 1 & 2 Hygrophorus purpurascens, 3,sawtooth edges, good guess. 4, Yup blue snot, probably mycelium or something else. I have no clue. 5, Probably Clitocybe albirhiza thought I could see mycelial rootlets at the base. Clitocybe of some sort otherwise. 6, not a clue. 7, maybe a Hygrophorus species of some kind, really no clue. Entaloma or Inocybe depending on spore color, and this is just a guess. Great pictures, sorry I could not be more help
