Here is our morel haul from about 8 hours of hiking and picking. The first day, even the really big ones (bigger than my fist) were not buggy. The next day, a few were, but not bad. My mom and dad got about this many in the same amount of time, and then doubled the amount over two more days. The final day mom said 2 out of 3 even "fresh" morels were riddled with bugs and practically crawling away from you. Sage Hen Reservoir area around 5300', on the 9th and 10th. I was surprised by the variety of colors - mostly your "usual" black morel, but also quite a few gray-to-almost white ones (which never had bugs) and a few beige, rounded ones. Dad said this was a better-than-average haul for "our" spot, but we had to hike about 3 times as far to collect them. The hike was wonderful, regardless.

Also many Gyromitra (seemingly two varieties), and a number of "pig's ears."
Thanks to everyone who helps out with the association and contributes to/maintains the blog. My family and I are having a great time hiking and learning! (And BTW, David Aurora's recipe for stuffed morels is FANTASTIC! Though I didn't bother to stuff them - just sliced them and tossed with the rest of the ingredients, then served them over a pile of sauteed Lamb's Quarters. Mmmmmm!
Forgot to say this post is from Krista W. also.