Sunday, April 22, 2012

Finally DIDN'T get skunked...

Here's my find of the day...just 1...but at least it proves morels still exist. (I always wonder just a bit whether or not I have made them up until I find the first one of the year. =)

Located on the greenbelt, near a huge patch of inky caps. Found in the first 30 seconds of searching, but looked for another 30 minutes hoping that where one was found, two would be also, but alas. Also met a lovely lady with a dog and an accent who wondered what I was doing. When I told her, she walked me to a patch where she'd seen "hundreds of 'those' mushrooms last year." Nothing yet, but it looked a likely spot. We shall see!

One of these years, I really hope my April 20th anniversary present is to find a morel before Kevin does. It really only seems fair.


1 comment:

  1. Found a number more over the past few days,but I think they may be drowning after today!
