Monday, January 26, 2015


Posting by Joe M.

I went this weekend near the Boise river with low expectations of finding mushrooms since the temperatures had been in the low 40's to mid 30' wasn't too bad. I found 4 species, one easy to identify, and 3 others, which I found them difficult.. They are not a lot of species present, so we could learn them all given enough time, and that has motivated me to include this post, click on the picture to zoom:
Flammulina Velutipes. Several clusters, about 80 total. Is a common find, but I though it was a good picture. 
This one is about 3 cm wide, spore print ochre-brown. I think that it could be Tubaria furfuracea, sin T.heimalis.
It looks like Marasmius oreades, with darker gills.

Likely a Clitocybe related to C. albirhiza, smaller, white spore print, doesn't have rhizomorphs,.
               Flat stipe, with some little white micelial threads, sticking to needles, leaves and humus. It grows in the middle of winter, I have seen it before. It has no smell, grows close to the path, near Juniper.
These are really small, the size of a penny.
White, they grow on wood, I didn't get enough samples, to figure it. 
Do you recognize any of them? 


  1. Replies
    1. How can you love mushrooms? First of all, they are like grass. Secondly, they may be poisonous - These are not all factors.
